What Can Physiotherapy Do For You?

What Can Physiotherapy Do For You?

As physiotherapists, we are experts in the assessment, diagnosis and management of whole body movement dysfunction.

Some of us specialise in regions of the body (e.g. shoulder, spine, knee) while at RedoHealth we take a holistic approach by considering the whole body and the whole person.

Key benefits of physiotherapy include:

  1. Improved mobility and movement patterns
  2. Improved muscular strength and endurance
  3. Improved posture
  4. Management and removal of pain
  5. Return to optimal function
  6. Understanding your injury – why it occurred and how to prevent recurrence
  7. Self-management techniques to prevent re-injury and work through flare-ups

When you come to see a physiotherapist, pain management is a given, however removal of pain does not guarantee full return to function.

We must first understand WHY your injury has occurred.

The why – your driver – is where your injury originated from, but not necessarily your area of pain.

Three key things we look at in your assessment:

  1. Alignment
  2. Biomechanics
  3. Motor control strategies

After a comprehensive assessment in which we identify the driving force behind your problem we use techniques to help:

  • Realign your area of dysfunction – this helps to remove areas of compression and create more space and length in your body – improving movement and posture.
  • Rebuild muscular strength, endurance and power with specific and targeted exercises.
  • Refine movement patterns – through re-training motor control strategies specifically around your driver allowing for a speedier recovery.
  • Restore optimal movement patterns – more optimal alignment, biomechanics and control – allowing for improved muscle activation patterns making you lighter, faster, stronger and more efficient in your movement patterns.

In the end, we help you understand your injury, why it has occurred and what you can do to manage it in the short and long-term. Get in touch to start feeling better. 

#physiotherapy #posture

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